Thursday, March 31, 2011

I really hope this has nothing to do with coconut bras

Saddleback Church here in California has a Hula Ministry. According to their Worship Arts web page:
This unique & diverse ministry travels locally and abroad to minister with "island" style worship at weddings, funerals and at many Saddleback venues for various events.

While I generally sympathize with the thought from Chariots of Fire (you can glorify God by peeling a potato . . . if you peel it to perfection), we don't call potato peeling a ministry.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why only the choir ministry?

The Crystal Cathedral appears to be undecided on the question of gay marriage. Here is a covenant that choir members were asked to sign. The document states, in part,
I understand that Crystal Cathedral Ministries teaches that sexual intimacy is intended by God to only be within the bonds of marriage, between one man and one woman.
Church leaders later denounced the document. Robert H. Schuller:
I have a reputation worldwide of being tolerant of all people and their views...I'm too well-educated to criticize a certain religion or group of people for what they believe in. It's called freedom.
So what does the Crystal Cathedral actually teach on the subject? Reverend Schuller has made it about his reputation and education. Perhaps it's about Truth. Being afraid to take a stand on what is true is not tolerance, it's spinelessness.