Monday, February 24, 2014

Striving After the Wind

Tim Challies offers an insightful post on why we sometimes feel like frauds. Here’s a sample.
We are dissatisfied because we must be dissatisfied. God has put eternity in our hearts (Ecc. 3:11) but we locked ourselves in a temporal world. God created us to find our highest joy and delight in him, but we chose to seek delight in the things he made. We worship the creation rather than the Creator. Even those of us who have been drawn back to the Creator still turn to this side and that, to this idol and that.
We can cry out that we were made for more, that we were meant for more, from now until eternity. We will cry out from now until eternity. We will simply be expressing what Solomon told us so much more pointedly so many years ago. “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” This world cannot deliver all we want from it. This life cannot deliver all the satisfaction we long for.
Chaillies doesn’t stop there of course, ending with…
But those who die in Christ have the great promise that we will awake to all the pleasures, all the satisfaction we have ever longed for, and so much more besides.
I encourage you to read the entire post.

NOTE: The assumption that The Preacher of Ecclesiastes is in fact Solomon is a popular belief held by many respectable people. I happen to hold that while The Preacher likely is Solomon, there is some room for doubt.